Physician Fee Schedule

In its recently released 2025 proposed Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (“MPFS”), the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (“CMS”) proposed two important modifications to the Medicare 60-day overpayment refund rule—a new “identified overpayment” standard and codification of a 6-month timeframe to investigate and quantify an overpayment.

A product of the Affordable Care Act, the 60-day rule requires a person to report and return Part A and B overpayments within 60 days of identification. In 2016, CMS clarified that an overpayment is “identified” when a person, “through the exercise of reasonable diligence,” should have identified and quantified an overpayment. In the preamble to the 2016 rule, CMS established that “reasonable diligence” is demonstrated through a timely, good faith investigation, which is, at most, 6 months from the receipt of credible information of a potential overpayment.Continue Reading CMS Revisits Medicare Overpayment Standards in 2025 Physician Fee Schedule

The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 (P.L. 117-328) (referred to hereafter as 2023 CAA) runs more than 1,600 pages long in the official PDF version, so you would be excused if you missed a few key substantive health provisions that were included in the law.

Many of the substantive provisions of the law had been proposed as parts of other packages throughout the year, including the Infrastructure law, the FDA User Fee legislation and the Inflation Reduction Act. However, for one reason or another, these provisions were eliminated from the final versions of the laws that were passed.

The 2023 CAA included, among other aspects, changes to the Medicare payment program and sequestration requirements, additions to the accelerated approval process for drugs, a regulatory regime for cosmetics, and changes related to pre-approval communication of health care economic information to payors, formularies and similar entities.

This is the first in a series of posts exploring some of the more important policy aspects of the law. With part 1, we will explore the changes to Medicare payment rules.Continue Reading Health Provisions of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023: Part 1 Medicare Payments

On August 4, 2020, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (“CMS”) posted for inspection the Proposed 2021 Payment Policies under the Physician Fee Schedule and Other Changes to Part B Payment Policies.  The proposed rule is scheduled for publication in the Federal Register on Wednesday, August 17, 2020, and among its many proposals, would update and revise: (1) the physician fee schedule relative value units; (2) practice expense relative value units; (3) telehealth service approval and reimbursement policies; (4) the direct supervision requirement; (5) payment for teaching physicians; (6) medical records documentation policies; and (7) policies regarding opioid treatment programs.

Comments to this proposed rule must be received by CMS no later than 5 p.m. on October 5, 2020.
Continue Reading CMS Releases Proposed Physician Fee Schedule Rule for 2021