The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) has released its June 2015 Report to the Congress on Medicare and the Health Care Delivery System. The report includes a series of recommendations on Medicare hospital short-stay policy, in response in part to hospital concerns about related Medicare Recovery Audit Contractor (RAC) Program audits and appeals and the financial impact on beneficiaries associated with the growing use of outpatient observation day status. Specifically, MedPAC recommends that:
Continue Reading MedPAC Report to Congress on Medicare and the Health Care Delivery System
Odds & Ends
MedPAC Report to Congress on Medicare Policy
The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) has released its annual recommendations to Congress on Medicare policies, including Medicare fee-for-service (FFS) payment updates and a status report on the Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part D programs. The following are highlights of the recommendations for 2016 (many of which were recommended previously):
Continue Reading MedPAC Report to Congress on Medicare Policy
MedPAC Voices Concerns about Growing Volume, Burden of Medicare Quality Measures
In December 2014, CMS released a 329-page list of quality measures under consideration for the Medicare program. In a January 13, 2015 comment letter, MedPAC observes that volume of measures under consideration “reinforces our concerns that Medicare’s provider-level measurement activities are accelerating without regard to the costs or benefits of an ever-increasing number of measures.” MedPAC suggests that CMS is “relying on too many clinical process measures that are, at best, weakly correlated with health outcomes.” Moreover, including numerous process measures could reinforce “undesirable payment incentives in FFS Medicare to increase the volume of services and is overly burdensome on providers to report, while yielding limited information to support clinical improvement or beneficiary choice.” While acknowledging that CMS includes more measures than will be adopted in order to solicit comments, MedPAC urges CMS to “carefully consider whether each additional measure would simply reinforce or exacerbate the current system’s problems.”
The following is MedPAC’s count of measures under consideration (note that the largest number of measures under review this year apply to accountable care organizations):Continue Reading MedPAC Voices Concerns about Growing Volume, Burden of Medicare Quality Measures
Circuit Split on Availability of ACA Tax Credits in Federal Exchanges
As has been widely reported, on July 22, 2014, two circuit court panels handed down conflicting decisions on whether ACA insurance premium tax credits are available for insurance purchased on federal, rather than state, insurance Marketplaces/Exchanges. On the one hand, a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ruled 2-1…
MedPAC Issues 2014 Medicare/Health Spending Data Book
The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) has released its 2014 Data Book on Health Care Spending and the Medicare Program. The volume provides detailed information regarding national health care and Medicare spending and utilization, sector profit margins, Medicare and dual-eligible beneficiary demographics, Medicare quality, Medicare beneficiary and other payer liability, and related issues.
MedPAC Issues Medicare Delivery Reform Recommendations
On June 13, 2014, the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) released its June 2014 Report to the Congress on Medicare and the Health Care Delivery System. Among other things, MedPAC addresses ways to align Medicare fee-for-service (FFS), Medicare Advantage, and accountable care organization policies on payment, risk adjustment, and quality measurement. MedPAC also discusses various…
Is anybody home? Medicare contractors on the prowl for DMEPOS supplier violations of posted business hours and other physical facility standards.
Medicare suppliers of durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics, and supplies (DMEPOS) should be on the alert for enhanced Medicare supplier standard compliance monitoring by CMS, the National Supplier Clearinghouse (NSC), and their agents. Recently, these entities have taken draconian actions to revoke the enrollment of a number of suppliers who failed to be present during indicated hours of operation. Recent Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) decisions have upheld such revocations for technical violation of the Medicare supplier standard, even in the face of extenuating circumstances, reinforcing the need for suppliers to review their practices and policies to ensure full compliance.
Continue Reading Is anybody home? Medicare contractors on the prowl for DMEPOS supplier violations of posted business hours and other physical facility standards.
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Stolen Unencrypted Laptops Results in HIPAA Settlements for Two Health Companies
Two more health care companies have settled potential violations of the HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules arising from the theft of unencrypted laptops by paying a total of almost $2 million and agreeing to continued oversight by the HHS Office for Civil Rights (OCR). In both instances, the breaches were self-reported and the settlements resulted…
Exploring the “Country of Origin” Question for Pharmaceutical Products
Because drugs and medical devices are often sourced, processed, and manufactured in multiple countries, manufacturers are often faced with difficult challenges in determining the country of origin for their products. As detailed in the article "Origin of the Pieces: How to Determine a Pharmaceutical Product’s ‘Country of Origin,’" written by Reed Smith lawyers…
California Weighs Further Curtailment of Physician Self-Referrals
This post was written by Paul Pitts.
California State Senator Ed Hernandez, O.D., Chair of the Senate Health Committee, has introduced legislation that would close an exception in state law that currently permits physicians to provide advanced imaging, anatomic pathology, radiation therapy, and physical therapy within their office or the office of their group…
MedPAC Issues 2014 Report to Congress on Medicare Payment Policy
The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) has released its annual report to Congress on Medicare payment policy, including payment update recommendations for all the major Medicare fee-for-service payment (FFS) systems, limited recommendations related to the Medicare Advantage (MA) program, and a status report on the Medicare Part D program. The following are highlights of the…
MACPAC Issues Annual Report to Congress on Medicaid, CHIP Policy
On March 14, 2014, the Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission (MACPAC) recommended that Congress take steps to promote continuity in Medicaid coverage, such as by providing states with an option for 12-month continuous eligibility for adults and extending the current transitional medical assistance program. Among other things, the report also discusses at length…
D.C. District Court Rules Internal Compliance Investigations Are Not Privileged
On March 6, 2014, the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia ruled that documents related to internal investigations of possible violations of corporate codes of conduct are not protected from disclosure under either the attorney-client privilege or attorney work product doctrine. The court instead concluded that the company’s investigations were conducted pursuant to…
Advisory Panel Recommends Access Standards for Medical Diagnostic Equipment
The Access Board’s Medical Diagnostic Equipment Accessibility Standards Advisory Committee has issued its final report on “Advancing Equal Access to Diagnostic Services: Recommendations on Standards for the Design of Medical Diagnostic Equipment for Adults with Disabilities.” The report includes detailed recommendations on standards for access to equipment such as examination tables and chairs, weight scales,…
2013 MedPAC Data Book Released
The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) has released its 2013 Data Book on Health Care Spending and the Medicare Program. The publication provides information on national health care and Medicare spending and utilization, Medicare and dual-eligible beneficiary demographics, Medicare quality, Medicare beneficiary and other payer liability, and related issues.
Hard Drives on Used Photocopiers Result in HIPAA Violations and $1.2M Settlement to the OCR
As covered on Reed Smith’s Life Sciences Legal Update blog, Affinity Health Plan, Inc. (Affinity) recently reached a $1.2 million settlement with the HHS Office for Civil Rights related to potential violations of the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). Affinity self-reported a breach after learning from a CBS Evening News investigative…
China Life Sciences Regulatory Crackdown Spreads to Medical Device Sector
As reported on Reed Smith’s Life Sciences Legal Update blog, the local Beijing office of the Ministry of Health (MOH) of the People’s Republic of China recently announced that it has started a three-month review of the use of high-value medical consumables and large-scale medical equipment in Beijing. Noting that prior inspections of hospitals…
MedPAC Report to Congress on Delivery Reform
The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) has released its June 2013 Report to the Congress on Medicare and the Health Care Delivery System. The report examines a number of potential ways to reform Medicare, including the following:
- Redesigning the Medicare benefit. MedPAC continues to discuss the concept of competitively determined plan contributions (CPC), under which
MACPAC Report Addresses Medicaid and CHIP Policies
The Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission (MACPAC) has released its June 2013 Report to the Congress on Medicaid and CHIP, covering issues such as Medicaid and CHIP eligibility, coverage for maternity services, increased Medicaid payment for primary care physicians services, access to care for persons with disabilities, Medicaid and CHIP data for use…