The GAO recently issued a report on CMS efforts to implement Medicaid drug pricing reforms mandated by the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Specifically, the report discusses CMS development of the National Average Drug Acquisition Cost (NADAC) benchmark of retail pharmacy acquisition costs, and how NADAC amounts compare to ACA-based federal upper limits (FULs). Based on first
National Average Drug Acquisition Cost (NADAC)
CMS Announces Plans to Finalize ACA Medicaid Drug Pricing Policy in July 2014
After more than two years of releasing draft average manufacturer price (AMP)-based federal upper payment limit (FUL) files and methodology documents, CMS now expects to finalize the ACA Medicaid FULs for multiple source drugs in July 2014. While CMS intends to provide additional guidance in the months to come, the agency is encouraging states…
CMS Medicaid Drug Pricing Webinar: Draft Federal Upper Limits and Draft Survey of Retail Prices (Dec. 5)
On December 5, 2012, CMS is hosting a webinar on various Medicaid drug pricing issues. The webinar will cover the CMS draft three-month rolling average FUL file; draft National Average Drug Acquisition Cost (NADAC) file; draft National Average Retail Price (NARP) file; and draft Monthly New Drug Report. A taping of the event and…
CMS Invites Comments on Draft Medicaid Drug Pricing Data (FULs, NARP, NADAC)
On October 5, 2012, CMS released a number of draft Medicaid drug pricing files and related documents for review and comment. Among other things, CMS has posted the June 2012 and July 2012 draft average manufacturer price (AMP)-based Medicaid federal upper limit (FUL) files. Based on comments that month-to-month fluctuations in the AMP-based FULs “may…
CMS Webinar on Retail Community Pharmacy Consumer Prices Survey (July 26)
CMS is hosting a webinar on July 26, 2012 to discuss the draft methodology for Estimating National Average Retail Prices (NARP) for Medicaid Covered Outpatient Drugs.
CMS Webinar on Medicaid National Average Drug Acquisition Cost Survey (June 28)
CMS is hosting a webinar on June 28, 2012 to discuss its “Draft Methodology for Calculating the National Average Drug Acquisition Cost,” which may be used as a reference price for states to consider when setting their Medicaid drug reimbursement methodology. Advance registration is required. CMS will post a taping of the webinar and related…
CMS Accepting Comments on Draft Methodology for Calculating National Average Drug Acquisition Cost (NADAC)
CMS has released its “Draft Methodology for Calculating the National Average Drug Acquisition Cost,” which may be used as a reference price for states to consider when setting their Medicaid drug reimbursement methodology. Among other things, the draft methodology indicates that CMS plans monthly surveys of chain and independent – but not specialty – pharmacies,…
CMS Discusses Details of New “National Average Drug Acquisition Cost” Survey
On August 4, 2011, CMS held an “External Stakeholders Meeting” at its Baltimore headquarters to discuss the development of a survey for what it is now calling “National Average Drug Acquisition Cost” or “NADAC”. Earlier this year, CMS announced that it would publish a pricing benchmark based upon pharmacies’ acquisition costs for both brand and generic drugs, which State Medicaid programs could use instead of Average Wholesale Price (AWP) or Wholesale Acquisition Cost (WAC) to establish pharmacy reimbursement rates. CMS has entered into a contract with Myers & Stauffer, LC, to develop NADAC; Myers & Stauffer currently collects pharmacy acquisition costs for Oregon and Alabama, two states that have made such costs an element of their Medicaid pharmacy reimbursement.
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