Federally Qualified Health Centers

The recently passed “Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act” (CARES Act) is sweeping legislation that will have widespread impact on companies in the health care and life sciences space. In addition to expanding coverage of COVID-19 testing and preventive services, the Act includes provisions to address health care workforce needs, eases restrictions surrounding telehealth

CMS published a final rule on May 2, 2014 setting forth the methodology and payment rates for the new prospective payment system for FQHC services under Medicare Part B. FQHCs will transition to the new payment system beginning October 1, 2014, based on their cost reporting periods. Under the rule, Medicare generally will pay FQHCs

On September 23, 2013, CMS published a proposed rule that would establish the methodology and payment rates for the new Medicare Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) PPS, as mandated by the ACA. Under the proposed rule, FQHCs would be paid a single encounter-based per diem rate per Medicare beneficiary, which currently is estimated to