CMS has developed a web page for information on the use of Medicaid data in the ACA Branded Prescription Drug Fee Program. By way of background, under the ACA, the Secretary of the Treasury determines the amount of the fee to be paid by each manufacturer according to the manufacturer’s share of branded prescription
CMS Releases Additional Draft ACA Medicaid Drug Pricing/FUL Files
As previously reported, the ACA modified the statutory federal upper limit (FUL) provisions for Medicaid reimbursement for multiple source drugs. While CMS has not yet promulgated regulations to implement this policy, the agency has issued several sets of draft FUL reimbursement files, including the draft methodology used to calculate the FULs in accordance with…
GAO Examines Prescription Pain Reliever Abuse
The Government Accountability Office (GAO) has issued a report entitled “Prescription Pain Reliever Abuse: Agencies Have Begun Coordinating Education Efforts, but Need to Assess Effectiveness.” The report: (1) describes national trends in prescription pain reliever abuse and misuse, (2) describes how federal agencies are educating prescribers, (3) assesses the extent to which federal…