The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has scheduled a June 24, 2019 public meeting on calendar year (CY) 2020 Medicare Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedule (CLFS) payments for new or substantially revised clinical lab codes. Specifically, the June meeting will provide an opportunity for the public to submit comments on the appropriate basis — the crosswalk or gapfill methodology — for establishing payment amounts for clinical laboratory codes being considered for 2020 CLSF payment. The meeting also will address reconsideration requests regarding final payment determinations made last year. Additional information, including a listing of CLFS test codes to be considered at the meeting, is posted on the CMS website.
In addition, CMS has announced that the Medicare Advisory Panel on Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory Tests will meet on July 22-23, 2019 to make recommendations on test codes presented at the CLFS public meeting. The panel also may consider other CY 2020 CLFS policy issues; a detailed agenda will be posted here prior to the meeting.