As part of the Trump Administration’s fall regulatory agenda, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) emphasizes its commitment to “reducing and streamlining its regulations and improving the transparency, flexibility, and accountability of its regulatory processes.”  One of the specific deregulatory initiatives noted is a future proposed rule to remove outdated Medicare and Medicaid conditions of participation for long-term care providers.

Other top regulatory priorities in the HHS Statement of Regulatory Priorities for Fiscal Year 2019 include: combatting the opioid crisis; increasing oversight of individual health insurance markets; lowering prescription drug costs; and moving to a value-based healthcare system (which could include “Stark” physician self-referral and HIPAA policy changes).

The agenda also includes the anticipated timing of almost 200 pending and future HHS regulatory actions, the majority of which are Food and Drug Administration and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services regulations.