On October 5, 2016, CMS is hosting a call to discuss its September 16, 2016 final rule establishing emergency preparedness requirements for Medicare- and Medicaid-participating providers and suppliers to ensure that they can meet the needs of patients and residents during natural and man-made emergency situations. The call will discuss provisions of the final rule, the enforcement process, and available technical assistance. The call is intended for the 17 provider and supplier types impacted by the rule: hospitals; critical access hospitals; long-term care facilities; psychiatric residential treatment facilities; intermediate care facilities for individuals with intellectual disabilities; religious nonmedical health care institutions; transplant centers; hospices; ambulatory surgical centers; Program for the All-inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) organizations; home health agencies; comprehensive outpatient rehabilitation facilities; community mental health centers; organ procurement organizations; clinics, rehabilitation, and therapy providers; rural health clinics/federally qualified health clinics; and end-stage renal disease providers.