CMS has scheduled a July 18, 2016 public meeting on payment for new and substantially revised clinical diagnostic laboratory test codes for payment under the 2017 Medicare clinical laboratory fee schedule (CLFS). The meeting also will address reconsideration requests regarding final determinations made last year. Registration will open on June 6, 2016, and the deadline for presenter registration and submission of presentations is July 1, 2016. CMS intends to announce proposed determinations for new test codes and preliminary determinations for reconsidered codes by early September 2016; the determinations will be open for comment until early October 2016. Final determinations for new test codes to be included for payment on the 2017 CLFS and reconsidered codes will be released in November 2016. CMS also has announced that the next public meeting date of the Advisory Panel on Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory Tests is July 18, 2016 to coincide with the meeting on new and reconsidered clinical diagnostic laboratory test codes.