The HHS Office of Inspector General (OIG) has issued an interim evaluation report on an Affordable Care Act (ACA) program that provides grants to states to implement background check programs for prospective long-term care employees. According to OIG, 25 states currently are participating in the program at different stages (for instance, some have not yet implemented processes to collect fingerprints and monitor criminal history information after individuals begin employment). Six states have submitted data to CMS that enables calculation of the percentage of prospective employees who were disqualified because of their background checks; in these states, 3% of prospective employees were disqualified from employment. The OIG recommends that CMS continue to work with participating states to (1) fully implement their background check programs and (2) improve required reporting to ensure that CMS can conduct effective oversight. CMS concurred with these recommendations. For details, see the full report, “National Background Check Program for Long Term Care Employees: Interim Report.”