On January 20, 2016, CMS is holding a call on data collection requirements related to global surgical periods as mandated by the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA). Under this provision, the Secretary is directed to periodically collect information from a representative sample of physicians regarding the number and level of services and other items furnished during the global period (i.e., the services normally furnished by a surgeon before, during, and after a procedure, and typically including zero, 10, or 90 post-operative days). With respect to global period services for which a physician is required to report information, the Secretary is authorized to delay 5% of Medicare payments to “incentivize” reporting. The January 20 “listening session” is intended to provide CMS with an opportunity to learn from stakeholders to inform CMS’s development of a proposal to implement the new data collection requirements, including the definition of global periods, sampling approach, mechanisms for data collection, and definition of services furnished within the global period. The target audience for the call includes practitioners who furnish surgical services to Medicare beneficiaries, state and national associations that represent these practitioners, integrated delivery systems representatives, coding professionals, and practice managers.