CMS has removed the non-invasive pressure support ventilators product category from Round 1 2017 of the Medicare DMEPOS Competitive Bidding Program. The agency also is revising the HCPCS coding for ventilators in response to what it characterizes as program abuse related to inappropriate billing of HCPCS code E0464 Pressure Support Ventilators (non-invasive). Specifically, CMS proposes discontinuing five current ventilator HCPCS codes and replacing them with two home ventilator codes: Exxx1 Home ventilator, any type, used with invasive interface (e.g., tracheostomy tube); and Exxx2 Home ventilator, any type, used with non-invasive interface (e.g., mask, chest shell). Comments on the coding changes will be accepted until June 25, 2015.