The Reed Smith Health Industry Washington Watch blog has been updated to report on recent health policy developments, including the following:
- Regulatory Developments. Recent CMS regulations have addressed Medicare hospice payments and Part D prescribing regulations, and CMS has published a notice clarifying the FY 2016 IPPS/LTCH proposed rule comment deadline. HRSA has published a final rule to implement the HIV Organ Policy Equity Act, and OMB is reviewing new HRSA 340B omnibus guidelines.
- Other CMS Developments. CMS has announced savings levels for the Pioneer ACO Model, and it is proceeding with the application process for the next round of the Medicare Shared Savings Program. CMS also is soliciting quality measure suggestions for potential use in the PQRS.
- OIG & GAO Developments. Recent OIG reports have addressed FDA oversight of generic drug manufacturers, incorrect physician place-of-service coding, home health agency background check policies, and drug rebate policies. GAO reports have examined Medicaid payments to hospitals and section 1115 demonstrations.
- Legislative Developments. Congress has approved its FY 2016 budget framework, a House panel is marking up the 21st Century Cures Act, and committees have held hearings on various health policy issues.
- Health Industry Events. Upcoming CMS events will focus on HCPCS coding applications, the National Partnership to Improve Dementia Care, potential elimination of CMNs/DIF forms, hospice quality reporting, ICD-10 implementation, and Medicare clinical laboratory fee schedule payments.