The OIG has released its compilation of “2014 Top Management & Performance Challenges,” highlighting the following 10 most significant management and performance challenges now facing HHS:

  1. Implementing, Operating, and Overseeing the Health Insurance Marketplaces 
  2. Ensuring Appropriate Use of Prescription Drugs in Medicare and Medicaid 
  3. Protecting an Expanding Medicaid Program from Fraud, Waste, and Abuse 
  4. Fighting Waste and Fraud and Promoting Value in Medicare Parts A and B 
  5. Ensuring Quality in Nursing Home, Hospice, and Home- and Community-Based Care 
  6. The Meaningful and Secure Exchange and Use of Electronic Health Information 
  7. Effectively Operating Public Health and Human Services Programs to Best Serve Program Beneficiaries 
  8. Ensuring Effective Financial and Administrative Management 
  9. Protecting HHS Grants and Contract Funds from Fraud, Waste, and Abuse 
  10. Ensuring the Safety of Food, Drugs, and Medical Devices