The HHS OIG has posted its FY 2015 Work Plan, which summaries the audit, evaluation, and other legal and investigative initiatives that the OIG intends to conduct in the coming year. The OIG plans numerous reviews of CMS, FDA, and other HHS agency programs, with a particular focus on Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement and program integrity policies. The OIG also forecasts areas that may be the subject of review in future years, including emerging Affordable Care Act marketplace issues, Medicaid expansion, and new Medicare payment and delivery models, among others. The OIG also plans to expand its work on Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement (including Medicaid managed care) and quality of care. The OIG notes that other areas under consideration for new reviews include the integrity of the drug and medical device supply chains; the security of electronic data; the use and exchange of health information technology; and emergency preparedness and response efforts.