In a recent report, the OIG concluded that Medicare would have saved millions of dollars in 2011 if Medicare Part B prescription drug dispensing and supplying fees had been aligned with the rates paid by Medicare Part D plans or state Medicaid programs. Specifically, if Part B dispensing and supplying fees had been the same as average Part D rates in 2011, Part B would have saved $110.9 million, while use of average state Medicaid rates would have saved $106.3 million. The OIG recommended that CMS issue regulations to decrease Part B dispensing and supplying fees to rates similar to those of other payers, such as Part D and Medicaid. CMS did not concur with the OIG’s recommendation, and requested that the OIG study actual costs associated with dispensing these Part B drugs. For additional information, see the full report, “Medicare Part B Prescription Drug Dispensing and Supplying Fee Payment Rates Are Considerably Higher than the Rates Paid by Other Government Programs.”