A recent OIG report, “Medicaid Drug Rebate Dispute Resolution Could Be Improved,” focuses on the extent to which drug manufacturers and states disagree on the amount of money that manufacturers owe states in Medicaid rebates, and how such disputes are resolved. Most states providing data (29 of 31) estimated that only a small percentage of rebate dollars were disputed, such as when poor quality claims data leads to disputes regarding unit of measure conversions, physician-administered drugs, and ineligible drugs (e.g., drugs purchased under the 340B Drug Pricing Program and terminated drugs). States reported difficulties in providing data to resolve such disputes, and some state and manufacturer representatives expressed interest in greater CMS involvement in preventing and resolving disputes. To that end, the OIG recommends that CMS: work with states to improve the quality of claims data submitted by providers and pharmacies; help states obtain better data on ineligible drugs; facilitate states’ submission of standardized claims data, and establish a stronger role in dispute resolution.