On July 10, 2014, CMS is hosting a national provider call to discuss the new Five Star Rating system that will be added to Dialysis Facility Compare (DFC) in October 2014. Among other things, the call will address the methodology used to calculate the ratings and how to access and preview the ratings.  In addition, CMS is holding a provider call on July 16 on the End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Quality Incentive Program (QIP), a pay-for-performance initiative that ties a facility’s quality scores to payment during a payment year (PY). The call will focus on the preliminary ESRD QIP PY 2015 Performance Score Report, which previews how well facilities scored on the relevant quality measures.  Finally, a July 23 call will focus on PY 2017 and PY 2018 ESRD QIP provisions in the upcoming ESRD prospective payment system proposed rule.