A number of Congressional panels have focused on following health policy issues recently, including the following:
- The House Ways and Means Health Subcommittee examined various Medicare hospital issues, including the CMS two-midnights policy, short inpatient stays, outpatient observation stays, Recovery Audit Contractor audits, and the appeals backlog.
- The House Energy and Commerce Committee held a hearing on two bills that seek to equalize payments between different providers: (1) the Medicare Patient Access to Cancer Treatment Act of 2014, which would establish payment parity under the Medicare program for ambulatory cancer care services furnished in the hospital outpatient department and the physician office setting; and (2) the Bundling and Coordinating Post-Acute Care (BACPAC) Act of 2014, which would provide bundled payments for post-acute care services under Medicare Parts A and B.
- The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee held hearings entitled “Examining the Federal Response to Autism Spectrum Disorders” and “Medicare Mismanagement: Oversight of the Federal Government Effort to Recapture Misspent Funds.”
- The Senate Special Committee on Aging focused on the role of health care providers in advance care planning.
- The Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee examined the ACA minimum medical loss ratio (MLR) requirements, which requires health insurers to provide rebates to consumers if the plans do not spend sufficient proportion of premium dollars on medical care.