Today CMS published an interim final rule with comment period that requires qualified health plan (QHP) issuers to accept premium and cost-sharing payments made on behalf of enrollees by the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, Indian tribes and organizations, and other federal and state government programs that provide premium and cost sharing support. This rulemaking was prompted by CMS concerns that some QHP issuers continue to reject Ryan White cost-sharing payments despite previous CMS guidance, which is resulting in beneficiary access problems. This standard applies to all individual market QHPs, including Stand Alone Dental Plans (SADP), regardless of whether they are offered through a federal or state Exchange or outside of the Exchanges. On the other hand, CMS specifies in the preamble that the rule would not prevent QHPs and SADPs from rejecting premium and cost sharing payments made by other third parties, including hospitals, other healthcare providers, and other commercial entities. CMS continues to encourage QHPs and SADPs to reject such payments, given CMS’s concern that they “could skew the insurance risk pool and create an unlevel competitive field in the insurance market.” The interim final rule is effective on March 14, 2014; comments will be accepted on the rule until May 13, 2014.