The Department of Justice (DOJ) has announced that it collected at least $8 billion in civil and criminal actions in FY 2013, including approximately $3.2 billion related to civil health care fraud cases and $450 million in criminal fines associated with health care fraud. In addition, the DOJ/HHS Medicare Fraud Strike Force had a record number of health care prosecutions in FY 2013, with 137 cases filed), 345 individuals charged, 234 guilty pleas secured, and 46 jury trial convictions in connection with health care fraud cases. The Strike Force, which was launched in 2007, is now operating in the following nine cities: Baton Rouge, LA; Brooklyn, NY; Chicago, IL; Dallas and Houston, TX; Detroit, MI; Los Angeles, CA; and Miami and Tampa, FL. The DOJ announced previously that it had recovered $3.8 billion in settlements and judgments in civil False Claims Act cases in FY 2013, including health care fraud recoveries totaling approximately $2.6 billion.