On November 15, 2013, the House of Representatives voted 261 to 157 to approve H.R. 3350, the “Keep Your Health Plan Act,” which would allow health plans available on the individual market as of January 1, 2013 to continue in 2014 without meeting new ACA plan standards. Continued enrollment in such a grandfathered policy would be considered to satisfy the ACA’s minimum essential coverage requirement, exempting the enrollee from the “shared responsibility” penalty under the ACA. . The Obama Administration has stated that the president would veto H.R. 3350 because it “rolls back the progress made by allowing insurers to continue to sell new plans that deploy practices such as not offering coverage for people with pre-existing conditions, charging women more than men, and continuing yearly caps on the amount of care that enrollees receive.” As previously reported, the Obama Administration has announced an alternative transition policy that would allow insurance issuers, subject to state insurance commissioners’ approval, to continue coverage that would otherwise be terminated or cancelled, and affected individuals and small businesses may choose to re-enroll in such coverage if the coverage was in effect on October 1, 2013 and the insurer meets certain conditions.