Recent Congressional hearings on health policy issues have included the following, among others:

  • A House Small Business Committee hearing focused on the ACA’s Small Business Health Options Program.
  • A House Ways and Means Health Subcommittee hearing reviewed “the Challenges of the Affordable Care Act,” focusing on “immediate and long-term challenges Americans face in finding affordable, quality health coverage as a result of the ACA.”
  • A December 11 House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee hearing is entitled “PPACA (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act) Implementation Failures: What’s Next?”
  • A House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing was entitled “Roll Out of The Limitations of Big Government,” while a December 12 hearing will focus on “ObamaCare’s Impact on Premiums and Provider Networks.”
  • Earlier this month, a House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing reviewed the impact of the ACA on the Medicare Advantage program.