Despite continuing provider concerns, CMS has announced that it will direct Medicare administrative contractors (MACs) to activate controversial “phase 2” ordering/referral edits effective January 6, 2014. Once activated, MACs will deny claims for Medicare Part B services (including lab services and the technical component of imaging services), durable medical equipment, and Part A home health agency (HHA) services if the ordering/referring physician or other professional is not identified, is not in Medicare’s enrollment records, or is not of a specialty type that may order/refer the service/item being billed. CMS had previously delayed an earlier May 1, 2013 target date for implementation due to objections by physicians and suppliers that they could experience claims denials and delays based on discrepancies between the names of the ordering physician on the 1500 claim form and in Medicare’s enrollment records. There has been no assurance from CMS, however, that these concerns have been fully resolved, and the only recourse for providers if claims are inappropriately denied claim will be to file an appeal. A CMS educational article accompanying the announcement suggests that imaging suppliers and providers bill global claims separately to prevent a denial for the professional component in the event that the new edits deny the technical component of imaging services.