Congress continues to examine issues associated with enrollment in qualified health plans under For instance:
- The House Science, Space, and Technology Committee held a hearing entitled “Is My Data on Secure?”
- The Senate Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee focused on “Affordable Care Act Implementation: Examining How to Achieve a Successful Rollout of the Small Business Exchanges”; and
- The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee has held hearings entitled “ObamaCare Implementation: Sticker Shock of Increased Premiums for Healthcare Coverage,” and “ObamaCare Implementation: High Costs, Few Choices for Rural America,” while on December 6 the panel has scheduled a hearing entitled “ObamaCare Implementation, The Broken Promise: If You Like Your Current Plan You Can Keep It.”
In other policy areas, the Senate Special Committee on Aging has scheduled a December 11 hearing on “Protecting Seniors From Medication Labeling Mistakes,” along with a December 18 hearing entitled “The Future of Long-Term Care Policy: Continuing the Conversation.” In addition, on November 20, the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health held a hearing on public health legislation. Specifically, the Subcommittee is considering the following bills: H.R.610, to provide for the establishment of the Tick-Borne Diseases Advisory Committee; H.R.669, to enhance awareness about unexpected sudden death in early life; H.R. 1098, to reauthorize certain traumatic brain injury and trauma research programs; H.R.2703, to provide liability protections for volunteer practitioners at community health centers; H.R.1281, to reauthorize newborn screening programs; draft legislation to reauthorize the poison center national toll-free number, national media campaign, and grant program; and draft legislation to reauthorize a controlled substance monitoring program.