The OIG has issued a report entitled “Medicare and Beneficiaries Could Save Millions If Dialysis Payments Were Adjusted for Anemia Management Drug Utilization.” The OIG estimates that if CMS had adjusted the payments for dialysis services to incorporate anemia management drug utilization in 2011 — rather than use 2007 data reflecting higher utilization — the Medicare program could have saved $510 million for erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESAs) and $19 million for iron supplements. The OIG also identified limitations in the use of ESRD claims data for program oversight, including inaccuracies in the quantities of drugs claimed and the inability to determine the extent of drug waste or overfill usage. The OIG recommends that CMS: (1) adjust the bundled dialysis base rate to capture savings from decreased utilization of ESAs and iron supplements, (2) remind dialysis facilities of the importance of claims accuracy, and (3) develop guidance for recording drug waste and overfill on ESRD claims. CMS concurred with the recommendations.