The Reed Smith Health Industry Washington Watch blog has been updated to report on recent health policy developments, including the following:

  • Regulatory Developments. CMS has issued rules addressing Affordable Care Act (ACA) shared responsibility payments, financial integrity and oversight standards for participants in ACA Affordable Insurance Exchanges, requirements for long term care facilities providing hospice services, and corrections to the proposed Medicare inpatient prospective payment system and long-term acute care hospital prospective payment system rule for FY 2014.  Other recent regulations address orphan drug rules and institutional review board assessment of risks in standard of care interventions research.
  • Other HHS Developments. CMS has released information on Medicare outpatient hospital payments, new beneficiary Medicare Summary Notices, insurance premium savings under the ACA, and preparation for ACA Exchanges. Draft FDA guidance recommends cybersecurity risk assessments and management plans for premarket medical device submissions.
  • OIG & GAO Developments. The OIG has issued reports on inappropriate prescribing of Medicare Part D drugs and Medicare reimbursement for clinical lab tests. The GAO has highlighted gaps in the Medicare imaging accreditation framework, and it has reviewed the status of ACA insurance exchange development.
  • Legislative Developments. Congressional leaders are seeking feedback on Medicare post-acute care payment reform, and Congressional hearings have addressed a number of health policy issues.
  • Odds & Ends. The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) and the Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission (MACPAC) have released reports to Congress on Medicare and Medicaid policy issues.
  • Health Industry Events. Upcoming events include meetings/calls on Medicare clinical laboratory test payment determinations, Medicare hospital outpatient payments, PQRS reporting and the Value-based Payment Modifier, and dementia care in nursing homes.