All private health insurers in the individual and small group markets must submit data to the Plan Finder, an online portal created to help consumers compare health insurance coverage options. According to a recent OIG report, "Oversight of Private Health Insurance Submissions to the Plan Finder," while most private insurers reported data to the Plan Finder, the OIG found inconsistent data displayed for a sample of products and plans. The OIG also identified gaps in CMS’s oversight of compliance with reporting requirements, such as a lack of targeted follow-up with insurers that did not report detailed pricing and benefit information. The OIG recommends that CMS: implement procedures to identify and pursue insurers that do not submit required data; require each private insurer’s Chief Executive Officer or Chief Financial Officer to certify to the completeness of data submitted to the Plan Finder; and take certain other steps to ensure the accuracy of Plan Finder data and the availability of plans identified on Plan Finder.. CMS generally concurred with the recommendations.