CMS and the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) are seeking comments on a series of potential policies intended to accelerate electronic health information exchange (HIE) across providers. The notice identifies various gaps that the policies and programs are intended to address, such as low rates of electronic health record (EHR) adoption and HIE among post-acute and long-term care providers; low rates of EHR adoption and HIE across settings of care and providers (including ambulatory care, post-acute and long-term care, behavioral health, and lab providers); and low rates of consumer and patient engagement. The notice also includes specific questions for stakeholders, such as what changes in payment policy would have the most impact on the electronic exchange of health information (particularly among organizations that are market competitors); how policies should be developed to maximize the impact on care coordination and quality improvement; how CMS can leverage regulatory requirements for acceptable quality (such as conditions of participation for hospitals or requirements for skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) and home health) to support electronic, interoperable HIE; and how new authorities under the ACA for testing innovative payment and service delivery models can best accelerate standards- based electronic HIE across treating providers. Comments will be accepted until April 22, 2013.