On February 6, 2013, HHS, together with the Departments of Treasury and Labor, published a proposed rule that would modify the Administration’s policy on the extent to which group health plans established by certain religious employers must cover contraceptive services. The policy, which responds to comments received in response to a proposed rulemaking (ANPRM) published on March 21, 2012, is intended to “provide women contraceptive coverage without cost sharing, while taking into account religious objections to contraceptive services by certain religious organizations.” In short, the rule would simplify the definition of a “religious employer” as it relates to contraceptive coverage to provide that an otherwise exempt plan is not disqualified because the employer’s purposes extend beyond the inculcation of religious values or because the employer serves or hires people of different religious faiths. The proposed rule also would establish accommodations for health coverage established or maintained by eligible organizations, or arranged by eligible organizations that are religious institutions of higher education, with religious objections to contraceptive coverage. Affected plan participants would receive contraceptive coverage through separate individual health insurance policies, without cost sharing or additional premiums; the mechanisms for this coverage varies based on the type of plan. Comments will be accepted until April 8, 2013.