CMS has posted a January 15, 2013 letter to state Medicaid directors previewing a recommended core set of health care quality measures for assessing an ACA person-centered health home service delivery model for beneficiaries with chronic conditions. Once finalized, health home providers will be required to report health care quality measures in order to receive payment. The recommended health home core measures are: Adult Body Mass Index Assessment; Ambulatory Care – Sensitive Condition Admission; Care Transition – Transition Record Transmitted to Health care Professional; Follow-up After Hospitalization for Mental Illness; Plan- All Cause Readmission; Screening for Clinical Depression and Follow-up Plan; Initiation and Engagement of Alcohol and Other Drug Dependence Treatment; and Controlling High Blood Pressure. While states are not obligated to use these measures until CMS promulgates them through future rulemaking, CMS has been asked by states to share these measures in advance for consideration during the design and implementation of state health home programs.