On September 20, 2012, the House Energy and Commerce Committee approved by voice vote H.R. 1063, the Strengthening Medicare and Repaying Taxpayers (SMART) Act. The legislation would make a series of procedural changes to MSP rules intended to “speed up the process of returning money to the Medicare Trust Fund while reducing costly legal barriers for both large and small employers.” The panel also approved on a 16-14 vote H.R. 1206, the Access to Professional Health Insurance Advisors Act. The legislation would amend the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) health insurance medical loss ratio (MLR) rules to exclude from the calculation of the MLR certain commissions paid to independent insurance brokers and agents. H.R. 1206 also would require HHS to defer to a state’s determinations as to whether enforcing the MLR requirement will destabilize their respective individual or small group health insurance markets. Neither bill has been considered by the full House to date.