CMS published a final rule May 16, 2012 that establishes reporting requirements for health insurance issuers in the group and individual markets that meet or exceed the applicable Affordable Care Act (ACA) MLR standard in the 2011 MLR reporting year. The policy builds on a December 7, 2011 final rule with comment period that established notice requirements only on issuers that owed rebates as a result of not meeting the applicable MLR standard. Under the May 16 rule, insurance issuers that meet or exceed the ACA MLR standards will provide a standard notice directing enrollees to the HHS web site for specific information about issuers’ MLRs; the issuers are not required to include information about the current or prior year MLR. The policy is intended to provide greater transparency to consumers and help reduce consumers’ confusion regarding why they did not receive a rebate. A notice correcting technical errors in the rule is available here.