The OIG has issued a report entitled “Gaps Continue To Exist in Nursing Home Emergency Preparedness and Response during Disasters: 2007–2010.” According to the OIG, most nursing homes nationwide met federal requirements for written emergency plans and preparedness training. Some gaps in nursing home preparedness and response continue, however, including unreliable transportation contracts, lack of collaboration with local emergency management, and residents who developed health problems during evacuation. The OIG recommended that CMS establish specific regulatory requirements for emergency plans and training, update the State Operations Manual to provide detailed guidance for survey agencies on nursing home compliance with emergency plans and training, and promote use of previous CMS emergency preparedness checklists. The OIG also outlined guidance that CMS can consider when revising its checklist for health care facilities. In addition, the OIG recommended that the Administration on Aging (AOA) develop model policies and procedures for long-term care ombudsmen to protect residents during and after disasters. CMS and AOA agreed with the recommendations.