CMS is inviting public comments on potential topics for Medicare national coverage determinations (NCDs) “to use Medicare coverage to help align program incentives with the best available clinical evidence.” While CMS issued a list of potential NCDs in 2008, the agency notes that there have been “significant developments in new technologies and changes to CMS authorities under statute” since that time. CMS now seeks input on items and services that may be inappropriately used (including underused, overused, or misused) or that provide minimal benefit. Such items and services could include surgical procedures, diagnostic tests or procedures, imaging or radiology services, lab tests, durable medical equipment, treatments for diseases, or procedures such as orthopedic or eye procedures. CMS will accept comments until November 27, 2011. After the agency reviews comments based on relevance to the NCD authority and potential impact on the Medicare program, a revised list will be released.