CMS has issued a proposed rule that would officially retract a controversial policy adopted in the calendar year 2011 Medicare physician fee schedule final rule that required the signature of a physician or qualified non-physician practitioner (NPP) on a requisition for clinical diagnostic laboratory tests paid under the Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedule. In withdrawing the policy, CMS cites stakeholder concerns about the practical impact of the policy on beneficiaries and providers, since in some cases the NPP directs staff to prepare requisitions for test but is then unavailable to provide his or her signature on the requisition. CMS continues to express concerns about the impact of fraud and abuse on the Medicare program, however, and states that “it is the responsibility of the clinical diagnostic laboratory, as it is for the provider of any service, to have sufficient processes and safeguards in place to ensure that all services are delivered only when ordered by the physician or NPP.” CMS will accept comments on the proposed rule until August 29, 2011.