Congressional committees continue to examine a variety of health care policy issues. Recent hearings include the following:
- The Senate Special Committee on Aging held a hearing on reducing Medicare drug costs. In connection with the hearing, the Senate Aging Committee majority staff set forth legislative options for cutting Medicare drug costs.
- The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee held a hearing on FDA user fees, and is planning an August 2 hearing on “Health Reform and Health Insurance Premiums: Empowering States to Serve Consumers.”
- Other Congressional committees examined ACA implementation: a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing on “Impact of Obamacare on Job Creators and Their Decision to Offer Health Insurance“; and a House Small Business Committee hearing entitled “Small Businesses and PPACA: If They Like Their Coverage, Can They Keep It?”
- The House Oversight Committee examined “Improper Medicare Payments: $48 Billion in Waste?”
- On August 3, the Senate Finance Committee is holding a hearing on “Dually-Eligible Beneficiaries: Improving Care While Lowering Costs.”