On February 25, 2011, CMS published a proposed rule that would implement an Affordable Care Act (ACA) provision to allow states to provide Medicaid home and community-based attendant services and supports through the Community First Choice (CFC) state plan option. According to CMS, the goal of the program is “to give States additional resources to make community living a first choice, and leave nursing homes and institutions as a fall back option.” The CFC program, which will be available October 1, 2011, will allow states to receive a 6 percentage point increase in federal matching payments for CFC services under “person-centered plans” that allow the individual to determine how services (such as assistance with activities of daily living and health-related tasks) are provided to promote independence. States also may cover costs for moving individuals from an institution to the community (e.g., security deposits, purchase of household supplies). Comments will be accepted until April 26, 2011.