The OIG has issued a report entitled "Review of Place-of-Service Coding for Physician Services Processed by Medicare Part B Carriers During Calendar Year 2007. " The OIG found that physicians did not always correctly code nonfacility places of service on Medicare Part B claims. By way of background, to account for increased overhead expenses that physicians incur when performing services in nonfacility locations, such as physician’s offices, Medicare pays physicians a higher rate for certain services performed in these locations and at a lower rate for services performed in facility settings, such as hospital outpatient departments or ambulatory surgical centers (ASCs). Physicians are must identify the place of service on their Medicare claim forms. However, for 90 of the 100 services in the OIG’s sample, physicians used nonfacility place-of-service codes on their claims for services that were actually performed in hospital outpatient departments or ASCs. Based on sample results, the OIG estimated that Medicare contractors nationwide overpaid physicians $13.8 million for incorrectly coded services provided in 2007. The OIG recommends that CMS: instruct contractors to recoup identified overpayments; reopen nonsampled services to identify and recoup any additional overpayments; enhance educational efforts; and develop a data match that will identify physician services at high risk for place-of-service miscoding and recover any identified overpayments.