On May 11, 2010, CMS published a final rule correcting several technical and typographical errors in the final 2010 Medicare physician fee schedule rule with comment period that appeared in the November 25, 2009 Federal Register, as well as errors in the December 10, 2009 correction notice to the final rule. The correction notice, which is effective January 1, 2010, revises the conversion factor as a result of corrections to the practice expense (PE) and malpractice relative value units. Under the revised rule, the 2010 conversion factor is slightly reduced from $28.3895 to $28.3868. However, Congress has blocked through May 2010 the application of the 2010 conversion factor, which reflects a 21.2% reduction compared to 2009 levels because of the sustainable growth rate formula (SGR). Instead, providers still are being reimbursed using the 2009 conversion factor – which increases slightly under the correction notice from $36.0666 to $36.0791. CMS is also correcting errors in PE values, among many other revisions. Note that lawmakers are continuing to grapple with a solution to the SGR formula when the short-term fix expires at the end of this month.