On April 19, 2010, HHS published a notice announcing the creation of the “Office of Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight” within the HHS Office of the Secretary” to implement the provisions of the health reform bill that address private health insurance. The Office consists of the following components:
- Office of the Director — Provides executive direction, leadership, and support to the entire Office.
- Office of Oversight — Responsibilities include implementing and enforcing new rules governing the insurance market and medical loss ratios; performing rate reviews; and issuing rate review grants to states.
- Office of Insurance Programs — Tasked with administering temporary high-risk pool programs and associated funding to states and the early retiree reinsurance program.
- Office of Consumer Support — Responsibilities include compiling comparative pricing data for the HHS web site; providing consumer assistance with the new health insurance system, and issuing consumer assistance grants to states.
- Office of Health Insurance Exchanges — Responsible for developing and implementing policies for state-based exchanges; issuing planning grants to states; and overseeing the operations of exchanges.