The Government Accountability Office (GAO) has issued a report entitled, “Patient Safety Act: HHS Is in the Process of Implementing the Act, So Its Effectiveness Cannot Yet Be Evaluated.” The report seeks to assess the early implementation of the Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act of 2005, which included provisions to encourage health care providers to voluntarily report information on medical errors and other events to patient safety organizations (PSOs). The GAO notes that at the time of its review in July 2009, few of the 17 PSOs it interviewed had entered into contracts to work with providers or had begun to receive patient safety data. Some PSOs are waiting for the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) to finalize the common formats for PSOs and providers to use in submitting patient safety data to the network of patient safety databases (NPSD). According to AHRQ, if development of the patient safety system remains on schedule, the NPSD could begin receiving patient safety data from hospitals by February 2011.