The OIG has issued a report entitled “How Grantees Manage Financial Conflicts of Interest in Research Funded by the National Institutes of Health.” The OIG identified a number of vulnerabilities in National Institutes of Health (NIH) grantee institutions’ identification, management, and oversight of financial conflicts of interest. For example, 90% of grantee institutions rely solely on researchers’ discretion to determine which of their significant financial interests are related to their research and are therefore required to be reported. The OIG also found that nearly half of grantee institutions do not require researchers to disclose specific amounts of equity or compensation, and researcher-submitted financial interest information is not routinely verified. The OIG also found problems with documentation supporting grantee institutions’ oversight of financial conflicts of interest; failure of the majority of grantee institutions to have policies and procedures that address subgrantee compliance with financial conflicts of interest regulations; inconsistent reporting of conflicts; and the lack of a requirement that grantee institutions report to NIH any financial interests that they have with outside companies. According to the OIG, the most common type of financial conflict of interest among researchers is equity ownership in companies in which the financial interests could significantly affect the research. Other financial conflicts of interest among researchers involved inventing technology, consulting, or holding positions with outside companies. The OIG recommended a series of steps address such financial conflicts of interest, including strengthened grantee institution reporting and oversight requirements, the development of NIH guidance on methods to verify researchers’ financial interests, and expanded NIH oversight and regulations addressing financial conflicts of interest.