In another indication that CMS is gearing up to launch DMEPOS competitive bidding, CMS has submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) a request to modify the forms to be used with the Round 1 Rebid of the DMEPOS competitive bidding program.  CMS states that it will use a modified version of the Request For Bids instructions and accompanying forms so that suppliers will be better able to identify and understand the requirements to submit a bid in the competitive bidding program.  The draft bidding form, instructions, and supplementary appendices (including details on financial documentation requirements) have been posted, and OMB is accepting comments on the proposed forms until June 18, 2009.

Reed Smith’s Life Sciences Health Industry Alert, “CMS Prepares to Re-Launch Medicare DMEPOS Competitive Bidding—Tips for Potential Bidders,” highlights steps suppliers can take now to prepare for the coming bidding cycle based on the lessons learned during the first round of bidding.