The HHS Office of Inspector General (OIG) has issued a report on “Hospital Compliance With Medicare’s Postacute Care Transfer Policy During Fiscal Years 2003 Through 2005.” Under the postacute care transfer policy, Medicare pays full prospective payments to hospitals that discharge inpatients to their homes, but for patients with certain diagnoses, payments to the hospital are reduced for discharges to certain post-acute care settings (such as skilled nursing facilities). The OIG estimated that hospitals improperly coded 15,051 claims as discharges to home rather than transfers to post-acute care, resulting in $24.8 million in overpayments. The OIG noted, however, that claims edits adopted by CMS in 2004 significantly decreased these types of overpayments. A separate OIG review examined “Medicare Payments to Managed Care Plans on Behalf of Deceased Enrollees.” The OIG found that CMS paid approximately $4.4 million to Medicare Advantage plans for coverage periods after the enrollees’ months of death, although CMS had correctly stopped payments for the vast majority of the deceased enrollees.