On October 7, 2008, CMS published a final rule revising the definition of “multiple source drug” under the Medicaid program. The rule also responds to public comments received on the March 14, 2008 interim final rule with comment period. The final rule adopts the March 2008 interim final rule with the following change: in §447.205, paragraph (3)(i) of the definition of multiple source drug, the term “covered outpatient drug” is revised to read “drug product” and “listed product” respectively to reflect the statutory language. As noted in the interim final rule with comment period, to the extent that this rule may affect Medicaid reimbursement rates for retail pharmacies, it is subject to the injunction issued by the United States District Court for the District of Columbia in National Association of Chain Drug Stores et al. v. Health and Human Services. The rule is effective is effective November 6, 2008.