On June 19, 2008, the House of Representatives approved a modified version of emergency Iraq and Afghanistan appropriations legislation (H.R. 2642) that also includes funding for a number of domestic priorities. Among other things, the bill would extend a current moratorium on implementation of certain Medicaid regulations and block additional rules through April 1, 2009. The rules affected by the legislation involve: payments to public safety net institutions; coverage of rehabilitation services; school-based administrative and specialized medical transportation services for children; graduate medical education payments; case management services; and state provider tax laws. To finance the repeal, the bill would extend an electronic asset verification demonstration for Medicaid applicants and beneficiaries, and reduce balances in the Physician Assistance and Quality Improvement (PAQI) Fund. The bill also provides an additional $150 million for Food and Drug Administration food and medical product safety efforts, and $25 million annually for Medicaid anti-fraud activities.  The bill does not include restrictions on physician ownership of hospitals, as had been included in an earlier Senate version of the measure. The White House has announced its support for the House bill, although it is unclear at this time whether the Senate will adopt this version or propose additional revisions.