On December 8, 2014, HHS is publishing a notice announcing that the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues is requesting public comment on ethical considerations related to public health emergency response, focusing on the current Ebola virus disease (EVD) epidemic. In particular, the Commission is examining:

  • U.S. public policies that restrict association

The Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues is requesting public comment on the ethical, legal, and social issues raised by “incidental findings” (e.g., information obtained from testing that was not its intended or expected object) that arise from genetic and genomic testing, imaging, and testing of biological specimens conducted in the clinical, research,

The Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues seeks public comments on federal and international standards for protecting participants in scientific studies supported by the federal government, including related ethical and social justice issues. In particular, the panel requests comments on such issues as differences across global standards; standards for ancillary care and post-trial access

The Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues is requesting public comments on the emerging science of synthetic biology, including its potential applications and risks, as well as appropriate ethical boundaries. President Obama requested this review following an announcement in May 2010 that a research institute had successfully engineered a synthetic cell. Comments